Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Letter 9/22/09

Well, one more week down here at the MTC. Things have been really awesome.

For the record, my mailbox number has changed. Please send future letters to Mailbox #227, not 228. You can still send stuff to the old address (technically it's been 227 all along but I still get my letters just fine), it's just that if you send stuff to mailbox 227 I'll get my letters about a day faster and technically correctly. Many thanks to EVERYONE who has been writing me! Your letters completely light up my day, and I love getting news from all of you!

Unfortunately we were running a little late today so I don't have much time for a blog post. I'll try to remember stuff that's happened since last I wrote. Since I have no way of viewing my blog or previous post, it'll be tough to remember where I left off.

Did I mention that Elder Holland spoke last week? His talk was AMAZING. It was a total power house. We get great speakers every Sunday and Tuesday. We also get to watch church videos every Sunday night, if we don't have other meetings.

I'm not sure if I described much of my schedule last time...did I? It's awful busy, but a lot of fun. Things that you normally can put off until you have time in the evening can't be put off here. Seriously. You either have 5 minutes to go to the store, or you can go to the bathroom before class, but not both. That's how finely cut our day is.

Monday we had a Large Group Meeting (these happen every week) where a former missionary speaks to us about a certain topic related to better missionary experiences. He went to Japan, and he had some awesome stories, but I don't actually have time anymore to type them. Suffice to say that Japanese old men chasing missionaries through a forest is HILARIOUS. He also told us some really key things about finding people to teach, and how you need to talk to EVERYONE, all the time.

We also got together with a ton of sisters and arranged to play with each other every Gym period, which we have each weekday. Yesterday we played soccer, and tomorrow we're gonna play kick ball. It should be a ton of fun.

This Sunday I was able to interpret. It was difficult, but very fun. It's interesting to listen to Japanese, then speak English, then have to catch the next Japanese sentence in order to translate that, too. It was great, I hope to do it again.

One of the sisters in my triad companionship is getting a new companion tomorrow. She is teaching me how to read Korean before she goes. We will miss her.

I'm a Host tomorrow, so I'll be greeting new missionaries. I'm very excited!

Uh, was there anything else? I'd love to type more but---