Tuesday, September 28, 2010

They would look like children to your eyes

It's true that Asian faces tend to look younger than American faces, and it is difficult to judge age accordingly. This hasn't been a huge problem for me except for occasionally mistaking a middle school student as a high school student (because all high school students look so YOUNG to me). That is, at least, until I saw a TWELVE YEAR OLD driving a car.

She was probably 30-something and that young boy in the car was probably her son, but really? She looked like a preteen! Crazy!

It is true that I have gotten into the habit of adding 5-10 years to everyone's age based on how they look. If they look 12 they are probably 18. If they look 18 then that's probably their kid they are holding and they are married. If they look 40 then they are pretty old.

The only exception to this is smokers, who look their age.

This week has been long and full of rainstorms and flat tires. The best day, I think, was when we went several hours out in a HEAVY rainstorm, got lost and went a further 10 miles out -- up a mountain -- and then on the way back I suddenly got a flat tire. It was already pretty late but we were able to find a garage that was still closing up shop that was able to give me some fresh air. Thank you, garage people!

I always think it's funny that the rainy season is considered June. June of this year did indeed have a fair bit of rain, but it wasn't that bad, really. Coming into Fall I am starting to have some bad flashbacks of my bean area, wherein it rained nearly every day. Fall is the rainy season it seems. At least now the rain is the proper temperature -- cold.

It's finally cooling down! I love Autumn so very much. Summer decided to go out with a bang, giving us one of the hottest summer days possible the day before Fall equinox. The equinox itself was nice and cool, making me regret short sleeves but happy all the same because I LOVE fall weather!

I have finally unearthed my winter clothing. They've been sitting in vacuumed bags inside my suitcase for all summer, but finally they get to start making their debut. It's nice, too, because it feels like I just got a bunch of new clothes since I haven't worn them for so long. I am quite excited to create some new outfits, and once I am sure that summer is gone for good (he keeps trying to sneak in for a few hours) I shall take all of my summer blouses and throw them away. Or burn them. Whichever sounds more fun at the time.

Actually we have marshmallows in the apartment so burning the clothing makes more sense, huh? ;)

Mmm, hot chocolate. I am so excited. I love winter food. The one thing I miss is ginger. Not ginger as in the plant, but ginger as in gingerbread, gingerbread cookies, and gingersnaps. I LOVE gingersnaps but you can't get them here.

That's okay, Japan has some pretty interesting winter food too. It is the season of the hot-pot and the sukiyaki feasts. I am, naturally, enthused, and I have started a small workout program in order to make room on my body for all the meat I am about to eat.

Things are still fun in Kofu. We have actually had some success meeting people while going door-to-door, which is depressingly rare but always nice when it happens. I am looking forward to the rest of this week!

You are all great, and I am still trying to catch up letter-wise. Thanks for being patient! Talk to you again next week!

Monday, September 20, 2010

You can see Fuji from my house

It's true, folks, you can see Fuji outside my study window. It's pretty awesome.

Kofu is nice. It's really pretty, and it's got lots of friendly people. It has a few overly friendly mosquitoes (I am now up to 100 bites between knee and ankle (le sigh) but as the weather cools down hopefully all those blasted creatures will DIE.

The first week after transfers always goes by too fast and we accomplished less than we wanted to. We are fixing that by being a lot more rigid on our plans, but it's still cutting things close for week 2. We plan to visit many more members and investigators this week. People live really far out and far apart, though, so we need to plan and segment carefully. It should be lots of fun.

Last night we were invited to FHE with some great families. They served an amazing meal and their house is my dream Japanese home -- lots of sliding doors and an amazing garden, all framed so that when you open the dining room doors (which are made out of paper, btw) you get this gorgeous view of Mt. Fuji while you eat. It was so cool.

The zone is planning on going mountain climbing next week. I am thrilled but a little concerned as I am not the most fit person at the best of times, and I am not sure how I am now. We shall see, won't we?

Life is beautiful, times are fun, and I still have no way to show you any pictures so you'll still just have to wait. It's getting a bit ridiculous, though. I have now filled up two memory cards. Good thing SD cards are dirt cheap, huh?

Pshyeah, like I have money.

Hope everyone is happy and well! Have a wonderful week, and go stare at some nature and contemplate just how amazing this earth really is. It's a worthwhile endeavor.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I transferred

I have left Chiba for Kofu. I was going to be all prosaic but then I discovered that I don't actually have time.

Kofu is huge. It's an entire prefecture, so my new area is basically twice the size of Rhode Island. Considering all my areas up until now have been one city that's kinda a big deal.

The coolest part about Kofu?

Not the temperature -- Kofu is renowned for it's heat.

Not the produce -- I do love grapes, but that's not the best part.

Not my companion or our huge apartment -- both are really nice though.

Not the fact that it's THREE HOURS away from Tokyo, and we have to travel to Tokyo for all missionary conferences.

No no, Kofu is a VALLEY.

That means there are MOUNTAINS. EVERYWHERE.

I am surrounded by mountains!

I'd feel at home but they are all this weird GREEN color.

Oh, and JTTF! Happy Birthday to ASH! I wasn't able to put a package together in time, but I will get that letter siting on my desk into the mail at least.

To people who have written me but haven't heard from me: I am sorry. I have a bunch of half-written letters on my desk. I am working through them and sending them along. If you want to speed along the process, feel free to write me a note and remind me. ;)