Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I have a couple random tidbits of information so I am gonna list them below. I had to spend some time setting up this new account so it ate up most of my e-mail time, which I regret.

1. I have a new...*ahem* excuse me...

I have a new myldsmail account.

The former account, 'firstnameinitial' + 'lastname@myldsmail' should still send forwarded e-mails to this new account. However, if you would like to e-mail directly to the new inbox, my new account is as follows:
(my first name fully spelled out).(my last name fully spelled out)@myldsmail.net
There are no spaces but there really is a period.
I also find this weird but handy -- I certainly have a larger inbox and an interface I am familiar with now.

2. My new companion is neat.
Sister K is loads of fun and we are enjoying tromping around Matsudo. We will have a lot MORE fun once we are both healthy. We seem to have picked up a cold, and while I have mostly recovered my companion is still a few days behind me on the road to recovery. We are hoping to be up and about and preaching like mad things within a few days. Which is not to say we aren't doing anything right now; we just feel pathetic that we both have to stop and just sit for a few minutes every couple hours due to our bodies giving out.

3. I talk in my sleep.
Apparently I talk in my sleep. This would not be interesting information except I talk in Japanese. I am immensely happy about this, perhaps unreasonably so.

4. Abiko is just as cool as Matsudo.
We are enjoying covering both areas.

5. It's nice and warm.
I just thought I'd rub that in. My profound sympathies to all the people on the East Coast, and I hope those in the Rockies are doing well, too. I'm in a short sleeve blouse and a light jacket right now, and I am thinking about removing the jacket. The dreadful weeks of February are ending! Spring is on the horizon!

That's actually about it, really. We have made some interesting discoveries here in Matsudo lately (my current companion is a huge fan of taking many different routes to go places) so we are going to check them out today. We found a few stores that look absolutely bizarre, and we have found Tim Tams in Matsudo! We are going to Tim Tam Slam tonight, whoo! We found a few other stores that look really promising for some supplies we've been lacking, so we shall investigate today.

All is well in Tokyo! Let's get back to work!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

By the way, transfers were yesterday

With all the excitement about TY on Sunday I completely forgot to even hint that transfers were the day after. It was my follow-up trainer's last transfer, so it was pretty much set in stone that a) I would not be leaving Matsudo and b) I would be getting a new companion. While I don't really play favorites there are two Sisters in this mission that I was really hoping to be companions with before the end. One was gonna be totally impossible this transfer, but the other was not only possible, it happened! I am now with Sister K, the cutest most hilarious Japanese person ever. She loves art and comic books, she is really easy going, and she is an AMAZING missionary. She also doesn't speak a lick of English, so let's see if my grammar deteriorates, shall we?

Last transfer positively flew by. Time is speeding up, but the work keeps getting busier! Augh, we'll never catch up! All well, we have some big appointments today with some great investigators. We also have no food. We are going to go shopping for the physical basics (milk, veggies, etc.) and then dash off to share the spiritual basics. Love you all, but I gotta fly!


T.Y. was baptized and confirmed a member on Valentine's day! Congratulations, and I hope and pray everything works out well for you! Her testimony is so strong, and she is such a wonderful example to those around her. It was such a wonderful day!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I wrote my parents, so instead of an update have a poem.

Vice is a monster of so frightful mien,
As to be hated, needs but to be seen;
Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,
We first endure, then pity, then embrace.
-Alexander Pope

I like that poem a lot.

Tokyo has finally given up being cold. That's good, snow didn't suit it anyway. It now feels like a luvverly spring day, and I fully intend to go out and enjoy it fully. There are probably a lot of people on the streets today, and they could all use what I have to say. Off to work!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thought of the Week

A day is lost if one has not laughed.
French Saying

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I am the tallest creature in Japan

It certainly feels that way when you realize for the ump-teenth time that you are a head and shoulders taller than everyone else in the room. I noticed it when we were enjoying a pizza party at an investigator's house, and when we were all sitting in seiza (kneeling), I could see well above the heads of everyone else in the room. There is one member who often joins us that comes about to my ribcage. It's crazy sometimes.

Oh, yes, we had a pizza party. I made pizza for the second time in my life and discovered a few really handy tricks, like partially baking the dough before adding sauce and toppings. My companion has great trust in my cooking skills and since that party we have excitedly produced a number of new and interesting dishes in our kitchen. I have now added Om-Rice, Niku-Jaga, Richimonjyuu, Sakura Mochi, Takoyaki, and Japanese Jam Squares to my cooking repertoire. I will endeavor to write down the recipes we created before I forget them. Some of them are VERY good, and many foods I thought were gross before (Anko and Nori) actually taste pretty good now, so long as they are hot.

I would like to offer some pictures, so here you go!This is me, my companion, her former companion (and my former roommate from Shibuya) and the former companion's new companion. We are standing in front of Tokyo Temple!Look! Oh Henry! It is from Canada. One of the members who likes missionaries gave us American candy. I saw the Oh Henry and laughed so she gave it to me. I am actually happy about it, despite that photo!Elders can be so weird. Babies are so cute. We had a sukiyaki party to say farewell to my companion and the Elder in the black vest.It snowed! IT ACTUALLY SNOWED! My companion was elated beyond description. I think she can actually count the number of times that she has seen snow in her life. She asked me if we could go play in the snow before morning study, so we did. It was fun, but I confess I do not share the same love of snow. I did enjoy it, though. It was very pretty. I am glad we did not have to do any biking in the storm; we got sunshine all day instead.Huzzah for missionary work!I like that photo. The kanji says 'Tokyo.'

Well, I have given you pictures. I apologize for the lack of real meat in these blog posts. Matsudo is a lot of fun right now, and we are teaching many people very often. We also have some curious streeting experiences. Yesterday we met a man who was learning about the church for 6 months, but came to the conclusion that God created all churches to be roads back to him, and that we can choose whichever religion we want as long as we return to the God of Abraham. It was a nice idea, but it lacked the concept of authority.

Anyway, I am having fun. Love ya all!