Wednesday, February 17, 2010

By the way, transfers were yesterday

With all the excitement about TY on Sunday I completely forgot to even hint that transfers were the day after. It was my follow-up trainer's last transfer, so it was pretty much set in stone that a) I would not be leaving Matsudo and b) I would be getting a new companion. While I don't really play favorites there are two Sisters in this mission that I was really hoping to be companions with before the end. One was gonna be totally impossible this transfer, but the other was not only possible, it happened! I am now with Sister K, the cutest most hilarious Japanese person ever. She loves art and comic books, she is really easy going, and she is an AMAZING missionary. She also doesn't speak a lick of English, so let's see if my grammar deteriorates, shall we?

Last transfer positively flew by. Time is speeding up, but the work keeps getting busier! Augh, we'll never catch up! All well, we have some big appointments today with some great investigators. We also have no food. We are going to go shopping for the physical basics (milk, veggies, etc.) and then dash off to share the spiritual basics. Love you all, but I gotta fly!