Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I transferred

I have left Chiba for Kofu. I was going to be all prosaic but then I discovered that I don't actually have time.

Kofu is huge. It's an entire prefecture, so my new area is basically twice the size of Rhode Island. Considering all my areas up until now have been one city that's kinda a big deal.

The coolest part about Kofu?

Not the temperature -- Kofu is renowned for it's heat.

Not the produce -- I do love grapes, but that's not the best part.

Not my companion or our huge apartment -- both are really nice though.

Not the fact that it's THREE HOURS away from Tokyo, and we have to travel to Tokyo for all missionary conferences.

No no, Kofu is a VALLEY.

That means there are MOUNTAINS. EVERYWHERE.

I am surrounded by mountains!

I'd feel at home but they are all this weird GREEN color.

Oh, and JTTF! Happy Birthday to ASH! I wasn't able to put a package together in time, but I will get that letter siting on my desk into the mail at least.

To people who have written me but haven't heard from me: I am sorry. I have a bunch of half-written letters on my desk. I am working through them and sending them along. If you want to speed along the process, feel free to write me a note and remind me. ;)