Monday, September 20, 2010

You can see Fuji from my house

It's true, folks, you can see Fuji outside my study window. It's pretty awesome.

Kofu is nice. It's really pretty, and it's got lots of friendly people. It has a few overly friendly mosquitoes (I am now up to 100 bites between knee and ankle (le sigh) but as the weather cools down hopefully all those blasted creatures will DIE.

The first week after transfers always goes by too fast and we accomplished less than we wanted to. We are fixing that by being a lot more rigid on our plans, but it's still cutting things close for week 2. We plan to visit many more members and investigators this week. People live really far out and far apart, though, so we need to plan and segment carefully. It should be lots of fun.

Last night we were invited to FHE with some great families. They served an amazing meal and their house is my dream Japanese home -- lots of sliding doors and an amazing garden, all framed so that when you open the dining room doors (which are made out of paper, btw) you get this gorgeous view of Mt. Fuji while you eat. It was so cool.

The zone is planning on going mountain climbing next week. I am thrilled but a little concerned as I am not the most fit person at the best of times, and I am not sure how I am now. We shall see, won't we?

Life is beautiful, times are fun, and I still have no way to show you any pictures so you'll still just have to wait. It's getting a bit ridiculous, though. I have now filled up two memory cards. Good thing SD cards are dirt cheap, huh?

Pshyeah, like I have money.

Hope everyone is happy and well! Have a wonderful week, and go stare at some nature and contemplate just how amazing this earth really is. It's a worthwhile endeavor.