Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What is this blog? The inevitable introduction

This blog is intended for people to read while I am on my mission. It's a public blog so I would not post any seriously private information, such as addresses, phone numbers, first + last names, or anything of the like. If you need to send any of that information to me, either send it to my usual e-mail address, or send it to my sister Shana, who is moderating this blog. A link to her blog can be found at Ideally though, and seriously, just send it to me via e-mail or letter. Anyway.

Many of the posts on this blog have been written in advance, and the blog will update a few times, at least once a week, while I am gone. The current plan is to have a thought/random message or joke once a week (Saturday) and a real post from me on my mission once a week (Sunday).

I wanted to have a comic here too, but that's just not likely, seeing as I never actually uploaded all those pictures I drew.


These thoughts will just be random thoughts, quotes, and other posts that I want to record. Most of the time it will be neat quotes or poems that I like. Some of the thoughts will be totally random, of course. I strongly suspect that this day will be the least cool, which is why it will update on Saturdays, when you all have better things to do anyway. These posts will invariably be short.

Sunday Posts

These posts will depend on my mission situation. If I can use e-mail, I will be sending an e-mail to my family with a section "For the blog" that they can then copy and paste here, updating for me. I've spoken with my sister and she has indicated willingness to update my blog on my behalf. This post will be my current mission life.