Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Wasn't General Conference simply awesome? I can't believe how much I was missing out before. Seriously, that was possibly the single coolest spiritual experience I've had thus far. I took 26 pages of notes for all 5 sessions (we watched Relief Society at the same time the Elders watched Priesthood). It was so fascinating, spiritual, and almost totally worth sitting in hard plastic seats without being allowed to stand up.

And one of the coolest parts was when they announced the Sapporo, Japan Temple. I'm pretty sure our entire district (District: The group of missionaries who entered the MTC at the same time who are going to the same place or speaking the same language) shouted more than a little irreverently, although we tried to be quiet. The entire Zone (Zone: A group of districts all headed to the same country/mission. Often made up of missionaries who came in within 3 weeks of each other, but some districts in the zone can be 6 weeks behind the others) was jumping for joy afterward. It was just so great! We'd been talking and in a meeting the day before where we talked about prophecies that have been made about Japan, and one of the ones emphasized was that there would be many temples. Then a temple was announced. We all whispered after shouting loudly, "The Gospel is MAJI DE true!"

I have to keep a little more time to write e-mails than I did last week, so the rest of this post may seem a little rushed. I was actually going to say that it would be better next week because next week I'm in Japan and there isn't a stupid little timer in the upper right corner that shuts down the computer after my 30 minutes of provided e-mail time, but that's part of the news I have:

I'm not going to Japan next Monday.

I thought I was. The zone thought I was, but apparently we forgot to tell the MTC that some of the missionaries were skipping a grade. I have no VISA, no flight plans, nothing. They are now trying to remedy the situation, but they have told us that there is no way we'll be ready in time for Monday. If our Mission Presidents will take us late, we can go a few days later, otherwise we'll be in the MTC for another 6 weeks.

I have now begun to experience Cabin Fever. I'm still hoping that they are wrong and things get fixed so that I will go on Monday, but I think it would seriously kill my mood to be here for another 6 weeks. I want to go out and TEACH, dangit! Send me to California! Send me to Texas! Send me AWAY, and let me get to work!

All well. The good news is this means you may still hear from me one last time while I'm on American soil. This also gives you another chance to send me any packages you may feel prompted to provide.

Nah, I'm kidding.

I really appreciate everyone who has been writing me, though. Days go by much faster when there is a letter waiting to be read that evening. It may sound depressing, but I do actually read your letters multiple times. I love them!

Oh, the other news was going to be a health update. My neck is fine. I went to the Physical Therapist again on Monday (I hate going, it feels so selfishly wonderfully wasteful) and I got a clean bill of health, as long as I don't jerk my neck, look down, or do anything else that might lock it up.

Oh, by the way, to those of you who do not have my mission address, hopefully someone who does know will leave it as a comment or something, because I don't have it with me. To those of you who don't want to pay for the postage, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. I can READ your e-mails, I just can't REPLY in an e-mail, so if you do e-mail me be sure to give me your mailing address if you want a reply.

YES EVEN IF YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS. Just because I know where you live doesn't mean I can write it down.

Ugh...the news that I may be here another 6 weeks has kinda got me down. Bleah.

That's okay. Life here in the MTC is awesome. We have two really great teachers. One, Brother Porter, is a super nice, HUGE guy. He tells great stories and he's really good at getting along with the class. The other, Brother Lee, looks Japanese but was raised in California, I think. He's really fluent, though...maybe I'm wrong? He's very intimidating, but it's because he expects a lot from us and isn't happy when we don't live up to our potential. He's a great teacher. I learn a lot from both of them.

Both teachers don't really include me in the class discussions because they've worked out I already know the answers. This suits me just as well, while the other missionaries review bunpou (grammar patterns) I study kanji. It works rather well.

The MTC food is delicious, and it is ironically hard to eat healthy food, but it's certainly possible. I've been a little more lax lately, which is a shame, since I actually slimmed down right after coming in here. Back to the old grinding wheel, I guess.

A few other disctricts have continued to meet with us each Gym period. We usually play softball or soccer, but with the cold front here in Provo we've taken up Capture the Flag. As this is my favorite field game (short of Ultimate Frisbee, which we can't play) I won't complain.

But augh, I want to go to Japan! Nooooo! Stupid whoever didn't tell the MTC we moved up!

I better go write those other e-mails. Love you all, and despite what I may say, I love my mission! (Just not the MTC so much)