Wednesday, November 18, 2009

C's letter to A

Our big brother, A, received a letter from C this week and sent me some of the news to post on this blog:

"My companion is a thespian. Enough said."

C is finding it funny that, while wandering around Tokyo, she can identify most of the music and film stars on the posters. This is a side effect from living with Japanese families for such a long time before her mission.

In particular, there's a huge role-playing game coming out in Japan soon (it's called Final Fantasy 13), and there are posters EVERYWHERE. Billboards, convenience stores, shopping centers, whatever. This is, unsurprisingly, distracting because C *loves* the Final Fantasy games. She hopes that someday she'll be transferred to the countryside because this will be less distracting, though I think she'll find that they stick posters in the convenience stores out there, too ;).