Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Short but Sweet

Yesterday was a national holiday in Japan so the place we normally come to do e-mails (The LDS Family History Center in Tokyo, in fact) was closed. We dendou'ed instead and decided to come and do e-mails today. Today is cut a little short, we had a bit of an upset this morning and we have to hurry to get to our meetings on time. Rather than the usual wall of text I thought I'd try to spruce up the blog a bit. I won't do this quite so often in future because I love my sister and I want her to not hate doing this for me. This week is going great, and I'm really enjoying my time here. I was able to stop by a dollar store so I picked up a few essential supplies. I also sent out letters to a great number of you this week; if you do not get them by next Monday please let me know because you should have.

Okay, so here is mission life thus far.

Sometimes you have a hard time getting along with your companions.But most of the time it's just awesome.Especially when you can relax and have fun. (the person in the middle was my MTC companion, although due to my crazy swapping around all the sisters you've seen thus far were companions at one point. There is another sister, too)Missionaries will use any means to seek out people and teach.Those were my MTC days. Here in Shibuya it does get pretty hectic, but we've adapted rather well. Do you recognize this place? I guess there's a video of this crossing on my blog, so I hope this looks familiar. It was actually a pretty slow day when we took this.This is the Shibuya district. Bring it on! Ironically two of the sisters couldn't be in the picture because they were actually teaching. We just got out of a Halloween party.Yep. Missionaries will teach anyone who will listen!I really am having a great time, and while these are my favorite pictures, there is very little goofing around during the day. During the night, though, MAN. I just found an old deck of cards in our apartment. I've been doing magic tricks the past few nights. It's been awesome. If anyone wants to send me some magic trick instructions that can be done with a standard deck of cards, send them over! I have forgotten many of the ones I could do, I'm stuck at about 5 tricks.

I love you all, and thanks for reading! I hope to have more stories next week.