Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I was hoping to go into more detail, but it'll have to wait

I set aside a bunch of time to write a long, juicy, gorgeous blog post. I have pictures and everything. Then LIFE happened and here I am. Rather than details, I'm afraid you will just have to get the Twitter version:

1. Matsudo is really cold. But lately we've had a hot streak, where you barely need a coat. The wind still blows bikes over with alarming accuracy.

2. I cannot believe people are moving and having babies and such. Quit proceeding without me! All well. I am more disturbed by the correctness of my predictions made thus far.

3. I love being a missionary! It's so cool.

4. We have a baptismal date set! I would love to have more details, but I shall simply have to give them after the actual baptism, which is Valentine's Day.

5. Biking is fun, climbing up 8 flights of stairs is less fun. I am grateful for elevators, and I am sad when we do not use them.

6. I have learned how to make some really yummy Japanese food! Yay! I have now added OmRice, NikuJaga, Japanese Curry, and Miso Soup to my slowly expanding repertoire.

7. One of the Elders had a birthday this week and a member wanted to bake a cake to slam into his face (it's just how she is). By the time she finished making the cake, it was just so darn pretty that she didn't have the heart so we gave it to him normally.

Sorry, citizens, but that's all for now. There is trouble in Gotham.