Monday, March 15, 2010

My First Run-in with the Law

We had a few interesting things happen to us this week. We met some new and interesting people, and I am now certain that I have seen a very drunk man and a slightly deranged woman. The one was dancing and singing in a classic manner, and the other was shouting at the air next to her suitcase on the train. It was actually a little sad, to be honest.

In other MUCH happier news, my big brother is engaged. Woohoo! My happiness knows no bounds. Congratulations to the happy couple! I wanted to have a picture of my reaction to his 'I'm engaged' e-mail but I didn't have my camera ready, so this blog is going without photos this week.

In other other news, I talked in my sleep in Japanese again. This time I had a fairly decent conversation, but my companion forgot the topic (she was a little drowsy herself and she was mainly just surprised that I was speaking Japanese again). I am embarrassed that I talk in my sleep, but at least I'm getting some language practice in!

Last night we met with T.Y. Shimai, who was baptized last transfer. She is so wonderful. She really wants her husband to get baptized too, and she is working with him gradually. He isn't opposed to the church, but he's just not interested. She is taking small steps. Small, ADORABLE steps. Last night when they prayed, they said Aisuru Ten no Otousama (Our Dear Heavenly Father) and Amen together, and she filled in everything in between. So, in a way, she's getting him started in prayer. He also listened to our spiritual message and he has agreed to let the missionaries start teaching him. It was an AWESOME day!

As for the blog title, we got to meet the police on Sunday. After church we went over to a member's home for a Ward FHE. It was a lot of fun (as usual) and we all enjoyed it. This member has Ward FHE at her home every month. Well, apparently this month there were too many bicycles and cars out front, which aroused the suspicions of the police patrol because they came to break up the potential illegal activities or insurrection. Honestly, I'm not sure what they thought we were doing and I don't know if they know either, but the fact is that our celebration was indeed ended rather quickly by the arrival of the police. I guess one of the cars was parked illegally so they threatened to ticket EVERYONE if we didn't break things up soon. Or something. The moral is the cops questioned us (Japanese style, mind you, so it was very friendly and polite) and I have now met the fuzz as a missionary. It was much simpler than the time I forgot my passport at the airport, and no one was arrested this time.

That's all the news for this week. Next week we already have appointments for every day, and most appointments overlap so we are going to be doing a lot of splits with members. I am excited but starting to get tired. Doing splits is pretty stressful, and not being with your companion is a little unsettling. All well, we really appreciate the members for being so willing to work with us, and we are able to get a lot more done. Go, members!

I am having fun in Tokyo, I hope you are also enjoying life wherever you are. Oh, and P.S., it's totally short-sleeve weather over here. Isn't that nice?