Monday, November 1, 2010

Sorry I was gone last week!

Firstly, last week. Last week was miserable due to a major cold. I got it Sunday evening, was having a hard time breathing and moving and not sniffling on Monday (medicine didn't do a thing!), and by Tuesday I declared I was not getting out of bed and I slept the entire day. I was incredibly achy and I had a fever. It was not a fun day, but I am glad it was a p-day. I wanted to go out and do p-day things but come Tuesday morning I was very glad we stayed in the apartment all day. I guess that means this is my first real p-day of this transfer? I'm still recovering from that blasted cold, but I am now in the endless coughing stage, so I feel fine but sound terrible. I'm glad the worst part is over.

In other news, I have a new companion. She is great. She is a fantastic missionary that is quite reminiscent of my MTC companion. She is a great missionary, full of spiritualness and confidence, and we have already seen miracles.

Two of those miracles happened on Sunday and Monday. Sunday an older investigator who didn't want to take lessons opened up to us and we were able to help resolve some of her concerns. She is now willing to hear the lessons again and will plan on getting baptized. That was very nice to hear! We are meeting with her later today.

Monday was great too. We had a potential investigator and we were finally able to meet with her Monday afternoon. It was her first lesson and it went very well. We explained that we normally teach about the church with intent to baptize the people who take the lessons, and she got very excited and asked to be baptized (we explained the basics of what it was, first). We said why sure, you can get baptized. It normally takes about 2 months to hear all the lessons and prepare, will January be okay?

She replied, can I not get baptized in December? I really want to get baptized mid-December.

...Why yes, we can arrange that.

So we have a new investigator and she already set her own baptismal date. We were very excited to hear that, and I rather feel that it is the START to great things happening for the rest of this transfer! So yes, things are going rather well this transfer. We already hit the point where every day is so busy that we can't fit in all the things we want to do, so we started planning next week as well as this week, and next week is getting pretty full, too!

THAT's always fun, lemme tell ya!

I feel so blessed to be working right now. I am immensely enjoying my time as a missionary. Things don't always go exactly as I'd like them to, but who cares? I'm having too much fun and seeing too many miracles to complain.

Today we go coat shopping and shoe shopping (we will hunt for a sale, I really need shoes that don't feel like boats). Tomorrow I will visit the dentist (we have too many appointments today to do a full p-day) and see if I can't get this pesky tooth sorted out once and for all.

I got permission from the President to study Spanish for the rest of my mission. Kofu really needs Spanish speakers!! I would appreciate any help anyone can provide, even if it's just a vocab list (a phrase list may be better). I need someone to explain how to conjugate verbs into past and future tense; no one seems willing to teach me and getting books that teach Americans how to speak Spanish is surprisingly hard in the middle of Yamanashi Japan for some inexplicable reason. I will start reading the Book of Mormon in Spanish and I have arranged to teach the lessons with members from the pamphlets with lots of help. We'll see how it goes!

In other news, I apologize to people who have written me -- some even months ago -- and still have not gotten a reply. I have many half-started letters on my desk; they will go out! I am trying to catch up right now, so many will be receiving shorter letters but know that they are overflowing with love.

Also...sigh, this is rather embarrassing, but I figure this is the best way to get this out of the way. Yes, my birthday is coming up. I am very glad for people who have offered to ship me things. The best thing you could send me is a huge long letter full of wonderful news and personal progress and thoughts and things. For those who wish to send packages, I will provide the following, despite my embarrassment:

Clothes, books, and souvenirs. Basically things that will have to come back home with me. I'm fine on these fronts. If you give me any of these things, just know that they will not be coming back with me -- I will be leaving them behind for future missionaries.

American food. Cornbread mix and Gingerbread mix, if those exist, are especially welcome (they are not in Japan! I miss them terribly!).

I am a huge fan of jerky (beef or turkey are my favorites), particularly hickory smoked or peppered.

I also LOVE LOVE dried fruit of all kinds, especially mango and apricot. I have never tried dried pineapple but I am sure I will like it. Something my parents ingrained in me that I love to do is eat beef jerky and dried mango at the same time. Both things I can obtain in Japan with a bit of effort, though, so I guess they are not a high priority?

Hot chocolate mix and/or marshmallows is also very welcome. Hot cider is also great.

Healthy snacks, like fruit snacks that actually fulfill fruit servings, are also welcome.

Fruit Gushers are something I have always loved and thus would also be most welcome.

I just thought of it, but salt water taffy, Rolos, and candy corn are also candies I love, but seeing as my companion and I are both trying to eat healthily most of that will be given to local Elders. They will love you for it, however.

Okay, enough awkwardness, I gotta go. Love you all tons!