Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hey, it's been a while!

Did I mention transfers last week? Transfers were Monday. I got transferred, which was most unexpected. I only spent 1 transfer in my beloved Yokohama. I am now back in Chiba, which is where Matsudo is located, only now I am also in a city called Chiba.

For anyone who remotely cares, Chiba is a prefecture, which is kinda like a state. Yokohama is in Kanagawa prefecture. They are close to each other. Shibuya is in Tokyo prefecture, so I have been in 3 prefectures in my mission so far.

I really like Chiba. It's a little more countryside, but it's still JAPAN so rather than having a lack of convenient things close by it's more like having a group of people who will smile and stop to talk to you. Ideal for missionaries!

I am now with a new companion, who is actually rather new to the mission field so I am her Father, or her second companion. This means I am a follow-up trainer. I am nervous but excited.

This place is really cool so far. We taught a former Yankee (the Japanese term for school-punk) last night. She is one of my new favorite people. It was really interesting to teach someone who sounds like a punk in the vocabulary they use but someone who loves the gospel based on what they talk about. It was a good lesson. She really wants to get married in the temple and is considering giving up on her current crush since temple marriage isn't on his menu.

My bike got damaged pretty badly during shipping and a few parts need to be replaced. As a really poor missionary who has had a number of unpleasantly expensive and ineffective expenses lately (did I mention I went to the hospital last transfer? I can't remember.) I am not too happy about having to pay to repair my bike, but I will endure. The apartment is well stocked so if nothing else I can just survive on NOTHING until June, when I shall have money for trains and things again.

Well, it feels really good to be able to see a computer screen again but I would dearly love to go get back to work. It's pouring rain but that just keeps things interesting. Love you lots!

Oh, and by the way, I really appreciate your letters. There are a few people I have not been able to respond to lately as these last few P-Days have been hectic, but I will respond as soon as I am able, and it should be either today or next week. Sorry! I am repenting! Wait just a little longer!

Oh, and PS. JTTF, D=Girl.