Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A quick update

Sorry for the lack of update last week. I was planning to sit down and really grind out an awesome post this week but I just realized I forgot the peanut butter. I remembered to bring all the lesson materials but I forgot we were making cookies too so I forgot the peanut butter. Now we have to run back and get it.

The peanut butter and the lesson are for a wonderful family we are teaching. They got baptized shortly before I came into the area, and they are just fantastic. I am excited because the kids have a lot of questions to answer this time, and answering questions (or rather helping people answer their own questions) is one of my favorite things to do.

It is so HOT this week! It's nigh unbearable! I cannot wait for September. The simple act of stepping outside covers the body in sweat, and once you are actually out on your bike for a while you feel ready to collapse. Seriously, it's bad this week. I do not like summer.

We had a lot of miracles this week. We had a hearing-impaired couple chase us down the street and ask us for a pamphlet so that they could come to church. They saw us as we walked past them in the train station (we can't proselyte in or near train stations) and chased us down. That doesn't happen very often. I remembered enough sign language to communicate with them, but all the missionaries spent the weekend frantically studying to prepare for meeting them again. I now have enough vocabulary to give the first lesson in sign language, and I learned the name of our church and how to do Joseph's Smith First Vision. Huzzah! It was fun and I remembered a lot of my dormant signing in the process. Japanese Sign language is really similar but often involves kanji in their signs...

There is a less active who won't meet with us. We got her back by weeding her garden. Take that!

...She then meekly opened the door and invited us in. Wasn't really our plan (is it weird that I miss weeding?) but we didn't object. I was really glad to finally meet with her.

That is about all I can think of. Love you all verra' verra' much and I will talk to you again next week!

Oh, and I am a little behind in replying to letters. I am sorry. Sit tight, I will get to it, but it may take another week -- I am so exhausted that after this lesson I think I am going to sleep.

Love you all, so grateful to be here, the gospel is SO true!