Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I am sleepy

I think I will, for the first time on my mission, take a nap on p-day. Sorry to people I SHOULD be writing, but I am just running on empty today. These past few days have been really busy, where we basically spend 30 minutes in lessons (usually we spend 45 or so), say goodbye, dash out the door and pedal like crazy to our next appointment. This is mainly because we had a mis-communication and set up 2 appointments that are on opposite sides of the planet. More than a sign of sheer busy-ness but yeah.

We did have a baptism on Saturday! It was a wonderful brother the elders have been working with lately. We were all happy to see him get baptized, and the Spirit was really strong. He's an amazing man and I congratulated him deeply and warmly.

Well, sorry for the short-ness, but I hope you all have a great week and I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers!