Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Heighten Games' Exposedness

That is part of a translation one of our investigators did for her company. She asked me to correct her English and I was happy to oblige. Still, some of the quotes like the one above had me silently giggling for a good 10 minutes. She meant to say something like 'Gives games more advertising.'

Okay, a story and then I need to go. We are working with two people who got baptized recently but due to work and strain have a hard time coming to church every week. Lately, one has been coming to church every week and we are happy to see her! In fact, she's brought her friend with her these last two times. We'll call her friend Vy. Vy was a missionary dream come true! She was a mother of two young girls, she loves church and asks questions, she is Christian and recently she's been going to a different church, but she wasn't satisfied and she really likes our church. It makes her feel at home, she told us. On her second visit to church she requested that the missionaries come visit her.

Dream come true, right?

We had failed to ask a rather important question the first time we met her. It is a rather important question, but not one we often need to ask. The question goes along the lines of, "By the way, are you already a baptized member of our church?" I am sure you can see how this question is important, and you may also be able to see why we don't need to ask it very often; most people tell us off the bat or we can just tell.

Well, in this case we probably should have asked. Halfway through the first lesson she told us about her baptism when she was 8, and she had a copy of the Joseph Smith movie. We learned that she has always believed the Mormon church was true, but didn't know there were Mormon churches in Japan so when she moved here she started attending other churches. Well, she found us again! Now we just need to find her record.

She still wants us to come over and teach her. Her family went inactive shortly after baptism so she doesn't know anything beyond Primary. We were happy to oblige. She's an absolute angel and I like her; we just thought it was funny.

So, yes, ask important questions, even if they seem odd. That's the moral of the day.

Oh, and before I forget, I promised I would write a small message to Nakki in Japanese:

NAKKI! Konnichiwa! Kanji de kakenai, kedo, ogenki desu ka? Kyou watashi wa pizza tabemashita. Sugoku oishikatta. Taberu to, nantonaku Nakki to isshouni hanashitai kimochi ga kimashita. Ashita otanoshimi shiteimasu!