Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Not much this week

This first part is for anyone who can read Japanese, although it mainly came due to a member's request.



A (C's brother) provided this translation: Nakki, hello! This time I think I want to write in Japanese! The mission was wonderfully fun this week. It was hot, and we rode bikes every day. On Monday evening I went to Kichijouji. We did a companion exchange. During a companion exchange, we switch companions for 24 hours. It was great fun, I learned a lot! Oh yeah, one other thing, there was a transfer! I wasn't transferred! Phew! So let's have lots of fun over the next six weeks too!
Okay, that's enough for now.

It is hot in Japan. In fact, for the first time (in my life?) I have a crazy awesome tan. It's funny because when I take off my watch it's like looking at the skin of two different people. Seriously, I'm pretty dang tan right now. There is a stark and distinct tan line, both on my wrist and on my feet where the shoe strap lies. It is also Tokyo, so I am sweating more than I would have ever imagined possible, but I have the hopeful sure knowledge that this cannot possibly last more than 60 days...right?

It is rainy season, although unseasonably not-raining (It is insanely humid, though). Many people are freaking out since that means the rice won't do well, and people may have to buy foreign rice, gasp!

In other news, my brother is getting married. Congratulations again! I know I have already announced it before, but meh, whatever, it's still news.

Also, happy birthday to Isshi-kun! I hope you have a great day and year!

Hope everyone is well. Anyone who wants to send me some advice on dealing with cockroaches, it would be appreciated. Not that, you know, our apartment is messy or anything...

...It's really not. I have no idea why we had a cockroach in it yesterday, but that sucker was HUGE and surprised me quite terribly. Right after deep cleaning, how fair is that?